Sharing hope in Christ through care for vulnerable children in Kenya

There are 3.6 million orphaned or vulnerable children in Kenya.

Help us create a transformed future Kenya where children have escaped poverty.

Chariots for Hope shares the hope in Christ by loving Kenyan children through Christian discipleship and long-term physical, emotional, and educational care and provision. Chariots’ vision is to create a transformed future Kenya where children have escaped poverty and committed their lives to Christ.

Got a heart for kids
in Kenya?

How you can help

1. Be a Sponsor Partner

Partner with Chariots' to provide relational love to a child and basic necessities.

2. Advance Chariots' Mission

Help a Kenyan child access critically-needed care, provision, and Christian discipleship.

3. Get Involved

Choose from a variety of ways to support and serve with us.

Thanks to you, we support over 850 children

in 7 different communities

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