Communication + Gifts
How to communicate, send gifts, and build a relationship with your sponsored child.
What can you expect from us?
Yearly Photo + Letter
What can you do?
Write Letters
The children LOVE receiving letters and updated photos from their sponsors. As you are writing, please keep the following in mind:
- The children who are in Grade 4 or beyond are fairly fluent in English. If your child is younger, an older child or a staff member is happy to read your letter on your behalf to your sponsored child.
- Ask questions! You can ask anything about their family, school, life at the home, etc.
- Do not include personal contact information (phone, address, email, social media, etc.)
- They want to hear about your life! Tell them about your family, work, hobbies, etc.
Send Gifts
We do our best to facilitate two opportunities each year to communicate with your sponsored child. You’ll receive notice of these opportunities by email.
- Gifts should be packaged in a 9” x 11.5” manila envelope, not weighing more than 2lbs. Chariots reserves the right to repackage any gift that is not within these guidelines.
- Only one gift per child is taken to Kenya at a time, so please do not pack multiple envelopes.
- The child’s full name, the name of the children’s home, and your name should be written on the outside of the envelope.
- Deliver or mail the package to the Chariots for Hope office (1601 N. Limekiln Pike, Dresher PA 19025). Packages and letters are packed in suitcases and taken to Kenya by Chariots staff or others traveling on a Chariots trip. They are hand delivered to the children who are thrilled to receive communication from their sponsor!
Christmas Outfits
Every year before Christmas, each child sponsor has the opportunity to purchase a new Christmas outfit for their sponsored child. Not only does Chariots love giving our children new clothes, but also supporting Kenyans who work to make each and every item of clothing.
- Each Christmas outfit is $25 and tailored for your specific child
- Along with purchasing a Christmas outfit you also have the opportunity to send a family Christmas card to your child.
- You will receive email communication notifying you of this giving opportunity!
Suggested Gift Ideas
You do not need to give all of these items. Feel free to be creative!
Primary School (Class 1-8)
Journal, coloring book/crayons, pens, pencils, jump rope, deflated soccer ball, tshirt, hard candy, gum, frisbee, headbands (girls), hat, toothbrush/paste.
Secondary School (Form 1-4)
English NIV Bible/devotional, scarf/hat, nail polish (girls), puzzles, Legos, card game (UNO, Phase 10), lightweight jacket/fleece, backpack, fingernail clippers, adult coloring book with colored pencils, flashlight.
College, University or Trade School
Watch, purse/wallet, umbrella, flashlight, tools of their trade (i.e. sewing kit, small hand tool, calculator).
Please do NOT send:
Money, soft candy (such as chocolate), USA paraphernalia, camera or electronics, personal contact information, magazines that are not child or family oriented, immodest family photos for Kenyan culture (i.e. beach vacation photos).
Sponsor a child for $60/month.
You can make a difference.
Sponsoring Lorna has been so sweet. I LOVE that Chariots genuinely wants you to feel connected to the child you sponsor and view each other as family. Because in Christ, we are family!
Lorna and I have connected through letters, pictures, emails, and videos and it is so encouraging to see that we serve the same God all around the world. Like seriously how cool?!
Our lives probably look pretty different but the most important thing is the same and that is so uniting!
One of the coolest moments was when she sent me her favorite verses from Psalm 27 which is the same chapter that holds one of my favorites 🙂
She already means so much to me and I can’t quite imagine how amazing it will be to someday meet her beautiful face in person after praying for each other and developing a friendship for years.
I’m so encouraged by her faith and JOY and can’t wait to see her keep growing️! Psalm 27:10-14
Sponsor since 2019